Hyperpigmentation And Its Treatment Modalities
Clear and beautiful skin is something that women take pride in. Women go to such unimaginably sheer extent just to achieve what they want, some to the point of obsession. Yearly, about US$8 is spent by women in cosmetics and beauty products alone or roughly estimated, about US$100 a month for every American woman. In 2007, about 11.7 million cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the US based on the data released by the American Society for Aesthetic Surgery.

What causes such an obsession or preoccupation with the skin condition? It is believed however that the appearance of the skin has something to do with self-esteem and self-confidence as an unsightly skin has a life-long burden on body image. The media culture has, even more, power the pressure fuelled by peer pressure that set standards on what is “beautiful” and what is not.
Among the skin problems that … Read More