Once you know what is available from nature for first aid response it can be simple and cost effective to put together a reliable natural first aid kit suitable for the home, the car and the workplace and most are inexpensive.
We have easily available products to create the complete kit covering you for cuts, grazes, bruises, bumps, sprains, pulled muscles, stings, insect bites, rashes and much more plus even remedies for emotional stress or shock associated with accident trauma. Putting together an all natural first aid kit may seem daunting at first until you take an inquisitive visit to an online natural health website or your local natural health store which stock a wide variety of these items.
However there is one important issue to be careful of in making your choices and that is the use of the word “natural” or “organic” by product manufacturers. Many companies are still trying to fool consumers by doing what is called “window dressing” or “green washing” by making reference to claims using these words on labeling but have very little of a natural or organic ingredient it the product.

I always recommend going for a trusted brand that is known to be all natural, pure, 100% or certified organic – reading the ingredients list in small print on the back of the packaging can generally reveal much. Preservatives are one ingredient where use of an all natural substance as is still a growing trend so in general you can avoid chemical preservatives by using ointments (non water content) rather than creams (usually water content).
Here is a basic list of some of the best natural first aid kit remedies:
Tea Tree Oil, Manuka oil or honey, Calendula ointment or cream, Paw Paw or PaPaw Ointment, Propolis Ointment, Aloe Vera gel, Noni Juice, Vitamin C, Zinc Oxide cream, Comfrey ointment, Rescue Remedy, Arnica ointment or cream, Weleda creams and homeopathic remedies, saline solution, natural oil based insect repellent such as neem oil or lemon eucalyptus – in a carrier oil base.
Plus your dressings etc such as plaster dressings, safety pins or bandage clips, gauze bandages, crepe bandages, sterile pad dressings, sissors, arm sling, tweezers.
For the complete detail of why and how to use the natural first aid kit remedies in the list above and other natural remedies please visit or click my bio link. Happy natural health from Nancy!