Health Insurance – What Is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a disease characterized by the liver being inflamed or swollen. It can cause permanent damage to a person’s liver tissue. Common types of hepatitis are A, B and hepatitis C. Both B and C can lead to permanent liver damage and even death. Viral hepatitis can be food-borne (spread through contaminated food or water), which does not lead to chronic liver problems, or blood-borne which can eventually lead to lethal consequences. Once diagnosed as having Hepatitis C, an individual will be infected for life. They will also be contagious for their lifetime and will have the ability to transmit this disease to others.
There are certain things a person can use to determine if they are at risk for Hepatitis C. If they have had a blood transfusion, used intravenous drugs, or have had a tattoo or body piercing they could be at risk. Anyone who is exposed … Read More