Looking for a Better Night’s Rest? This Hemp Extract Could Be Just What You Need

CBD has swept the cosmetics, beverages, and health industries in the last several years, appearing in everything from lotions to gummies. However, a new cannabis-derived molecule is set to become just as popular as CBD because of its capacity to aid in a good night’s sleep. Let me introduce you to CBN. It’s a cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant that has soothing and drowsy characteristics. 

What Is CBN?

Cannabinol (CBN) is derived from the cannabis plant. CBN, like other cannabinoids like CBD oil and CBG (cannabigerol), has become popular as a natural medicine. People buy CBN products  (CBN oil) mostly to increase their quality of sleep. A dropper of CBN oil, according to research, is a natural sleep aid that can help substitute some prescription medications. But what do you need to know about who can have this hemp extract?

Who Can Have CBN?

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