Major Medical Health Insurance – Tips For Lower Rates

Major Medical Health Insurance – Tips For Lower Rates

Are you interested in paying less for major medical health insurance? Then you have come to the right place. I will uncover a number of ways that will guarantee you lower costs…

Smokers attract rates that are twice or more that of people who do not smoke. It’s no longer a hidden fact that smoking is the topmost cause of cancer and other killer diseases.

It costs insurance companies much more to give insurance to smokers because of their high risk. Once you stop smoking for about twelve months tell your present insurer or reapply to some other insurer and you’ll experience a dramatic drop in your premium.

That extra weight will make you spend a lot in health insurance. Your BMI or Body Mass Index is a very important factor used to calculate your risk to an insurer.

If your Body Mass Index rating is high, your rates will be high. You’re overweight for your height and sex if your Body Mass Index is high. And do not think that you will get savings only when you lose fifty pounds, just dropping off a few pounds will get you lower rates once it alters your Body Mass Index rating.

It’s now generally understood that smoking will attract higher rates. What many might not appreciate is that the same also applies if you use any other form of tobacco product. For instance, you will attract a more expensive premium if you chew or snuff tobacco.

Staying off all tobacco products will attract more affordable major medical health insurance.

A poor driving history can make you pay higher health insurance rates. Rough driving charges and other traffic violations can seriously increase your health insurance premium. This is because you will become a greater risk to your insurance provider.

You’ll reduce your costs if you develop a the right attitude behind wheels. If you use a sports car or power bike, you’ll likely pay much more for health insurance. This is because they are more likely to make you need medical attention due to their higher risk of accidents.

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