3 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy

3 Surprising Benefits of Massage Therapy

In many cases, when people think about massage therapy, the first thing that pops in their mind is relaxation. Others might see it more as a luxury than an actual need. But there are many advantages to regular massage therapy that many people might not be aware of. And not only could going for regular massage therapy have cumulative effects, but these effects could also be permanent as well. Let’s take a look at some of the surprising benefits of massage therapy. U

Massage Therapy Could Boost your Immune System

This one may be surprising to you if you don’t understand the way stress affects every process in our body. People who are constantly under stress have been proven to experience more immunity issues than those who don’t. The main reason why continual stress is so detrimental to our body is because of the effects of cortisol, a potentially harmful hormone that is released when we experience stress. Cortisol is part of our flight or fight response and is linked to everything from heart disease all the way to cancer.

Undergoing regular massage therapy sessions can greatly reduce the amount of stress in your day to day life and the amount of cortisol your body produces, leading to better immunity in general. Another great benefit of massage therapy is its effect on blood pressure. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure in patients. Here again, this drop in blood pressure can be attributed to the lower levels of cortisol produced by the body.

Can Help Alleviate Depression and Anxiety

But this isn’t the only way massage therapy can affect your body’s hormonal production positively. Massage therapy has also been shown to increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the body, which both help treat the symptoms of depression.

Dopamine is our “feel good” hormone, which allows us to appreciate the day to day pleasures of life. Serotonin, on the other hand, aids with relaxation and sleep patterns. The nurturing touch of a good therapist can also ramp up the production of these hormones in the body. That’s why you should look for a qualified and dedicated massage Patong therapist if you’re taking a vacation or live in Thailand. In addition to experience, you should look for a spa with an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and a staff that truly has their clients’ wellbeing at heart.

Can Reduce Regular Headaches

If you’re constantly suffering from severe headaches, then you should also consider going for massage therapy. Poor sleep, muscle tension, and stress are all reasons that could be behind those headaches. The benefits of a single massage session could last for weeks and booking a session as little as once per month could greatly reduce or eliminate headaches altogether.


As you can see, massage therapy has tons of benefits that extend far beyond the surface. If you haven’t considered seeing a professional already, we suggest you look more into the benefits of massage therapy and choose the right therapist for the job.

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